Wednesday, 20 April 2011

15 Top Tips for Public Speaking

It seems to me that the main reason why people get anxious about speaking in public is that they are not sure what is expected of them. If you have a speech or presentation to deliver, here are 15 tips to help dispel that anxiety by making sure you are well prepared.

These tips will help you feel confident that you know your stuff, and also that you know why and how it will be relevant to your audience.

Tip 1: Imagine you are speaking just to me and answer this question: What do you want me to know?

Tip 2: Tell me why should I care about what you want me to know.

Tip 3: Why do I need to hear it from YOU? What's your special connection with the message?

Tip 4: Would you pay to hear YOU speak? If not, why not?

Tip 5: Record your voice and ask yourself and some close friends if your voice is attractive. If not, make changes.

Tip 6: What's your reason for speaking? Money? Influence? Ego? Passion? When you are clear about it you'll be more focused.

Tip 7: When you have credible answers to tips 1-6, write your Core Message (the 'carry away') in a single sentence. That's the message you should drive home when you speak.

Tip 8: Develop your message in 3 streams of argument or thought, e.g. Problem / Consequence / Solution.

Tip 9: Decide on your call to action. What do you want people to do when you have finished speaking?

Tip 10: Create an opening 'Hook' -- something unexpected or dramatic that grabs attention right at the start.

Tip 11: Write out and learn your opening and closing paragraphs. Just use prompts for the rest, to sound more natural.

Tip 12: Decide on the 'point of arrival' or climax of your speech or presentation and build up the energy to that point. Your second 'climax' should be at the end.

Tip 13: Practise in front of a mirror or camcorder. Watch your gestures and body language.

Tip 14: When you are confident of your text, answer (aloud) the questions in Tips 1-3.

Tip 15: Unless you are in a speech contest, don't try to give a world class performance. Just be sincere and passionate.

For more detailed help, go to or call 0845 165 9240 (local rates).


Sunday, 10 April 2011

Got a Best Man speech to deliver?

You stand up and call for silence. Someone taps a knife against a wine glass, and you realise it's you. Gradually the room falls silent.

Your throat is dry but the sweat drips off your forehead and your shirt is clinging to your back. There's a slow pounding in your head and your stomach is lurching around. The brilliant opening line that you crafted so carefully has fled from your memory and you yearn for someone to call you away to take an urgent telephone call.

In your hand is a bundle of papers which you are crushing with the tension that is gripping you and blurring your vision. You look down at them and realise they are the cards that everyone is expecting you to read out.

You start to speak, but all you can do is squeak. You open the first card and the rest slip from your hand, cascading to the floor. The room erupts in laughter and you twist around, looking for a bin into which you can throw up. And as you do so, you fall out of bed.

It has all been a terrible dream, a nightmare, and possibly a recurrent one.

It is actually a fairly common nightmare, and its cause is simple: the fear of public speaking. It is well documented that one of the greatest fears of modern man is public speaking.

For some reason, people who may be fluent and confident in conversation will freeze in fear when they have to stand in the spotlight and deliver a speech, even if the audience consists of friends and family.

It can happen to anyone, even experienced speakers. To help you cope (and, by the way, this could apply to almost any speech), here’s a simple 8-step guide that will allow you to shine.

Step 1: 10 Key Points
Keep it simple. Just decide on 10 points to make. Any 10 that seem important. If you’re not sure how to do that, just list all the points you want to make and select the 10 most important. Decide which is the MOST important and call it No. 1. Then the next, and call it No. 2, and so on.

Step 2: Brainstorm
Take 10 sheets of paper and at the top of each write one of the 10 key points. Then write all you can think of about that topic. Use bullet points rather than full sentences, and do as fast as you can, so that you build up a momentum. Do;t edit at this stage. Just put down whatever you think of.

Step 3: Planning the Sequence
Here’s the interesting bit. Lay the 10 sheets of paper on the floor and decide which point you want to talk about first. Pick it up and place it at the top left hand corner of your space. Then decide on the next point you want to make and place it alongside the first. Keep going until all 10 are in position. Go to No.1 (top left hand spot) and talk it through quickly, then step to each point in turn, talking it through (“Next, I’ll say …”) and decide if the sequence feels right. If not, just change it. Once you are happy with the sequence, mark the 10 numbers at the top of the sheets, and gather them up in the order you have chosen.

Step 4: Editing
Now you can edit. Go through each page in turn, and delete anything that does not fit.

Step 5: First Draft
Following the editing process, you should write out the speech, to see how the ideas fit together. The read it out aloud, recording it if you can.

Step 6: Rewrite
A re-write is essential. Don’t fall in love with your brilliance. Any script can be improved. Any phrase that seems too long or hard to say when you read it aloud has to be changed.

Step 7: Write a Hook
What will you say or do at the start of your speech, to grab the attention of everyone there? It could be a joke (not advisable unless you are good at telling jokes) or something startling. Spend time on this. It will get you properly launched.

Step 8: Speaker's Notes
Finally, write your notes on 5 x 3 cards. Headlines and bullet points. Don’t write a full script that you then read out word for word. That’s boring, and will also make you lose eye contact with your audience.

One last bit of advice: PRACTISE!

Best of luck.


Thursday, 7 April 2011

Bad advertising will waste your money

There’s a lot of bad advertising about. If you copy it you will waste your money. Advertising is (or should be) salesmanship, pure and simple. Its function is to sell – to persuade its audience to accept the proposition and, eventually, to buy.

It is quite amazing that expensive ad agencies are turning out advertising that fails to follow the basic rules of selling, even ignoring that well-known maxim, WIIFM – what’s in it for me? Amazingly, it gets past a succession of people who should know better: from the copywriter to the creative head, to the account team and finally the advertising manager at the client end.

To see how it should be done, look at ‘direct response advertising’. It is designed to get immediate action, and its effectiveness can be readily measured. It has to answer three questions quickly: what is it, is it for me, how do I get it?

In other words, first tell me the proposition. What are you selling? Then make it relevant to me. Finally, tell me where, how and from whom I can get it. The supplier or retailer fits into the last part.

Yet, the current crop of TV commercials contains at least three that begin with the very same error. They all start with “At XYZ company we ...” And they are all big names, with big advertising budgets and a long history of advertising that should have guided their judgement. Here are their opening lines:

At Sainsbury’s all these ...
At HSBC we can help ...
At Wickes we know ...
This last is made worse by the closing slogan, “It’s got our name on it.”

The focus of all these ads is on themselves. It presumes that each of those companies has such a presence in the market that the mere mention of their names will produce a Pavlovian response from well-conditioned customers. That amounts to self-congratulation – not a good basis for selling, especially in these tough times when traditional loyalties are already being tested.

Good copywriting follows the process of persuasion. And a good copywriter knows how to sell. If you’re looking for one, let’s meet for copy.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

It's the upsell that I mind

My local post office is managed by an enterprising Indian family. One of their number is a very pretty young lady who attracted a lot of attention when she first appeared behind the counter. These days, the locals try to avoid being served by her.

One day recently, I heard the reason why. She was serving a pensioner, a man in his late 70s, and I heard him say, in a rather exasperated tone, “No, please, no selling. I don’t want any of that.”

If you buy a stamp from her, she asks if you’d like a mobile phone top-up. If you want to post a packet she tries to get you to take the most expensive option. It’s always upsell, upsell, upsell.

It’s the same when I order stationery on the phone. “We have a special offer this week for paper. We are offering 75 million reams for only 20p!” or some such pitch. It’s relentless.

Macdonalds are famous for their upsell: “Would like fries with that?” Starbucks ask “Medium or large?” when you order a coffee. Waitrose may price something at £3.55, but offer 2 for £5.

What really causes the offence is the self-centred focus. It comes across as pressure to spend more than you intended. And it’s so unnecessary.

Upselling is good. It helps the vendor and it could help the customer too. All it takes is a little thought and training in customer care.

The key question to address is, how does it benefit the customer? The girl in the post office could ask if there is anything else she could help with, or if it is important to guarantee delivery by the next morning. The stationery supplier could ask if I would like to save money on any of my regular purchases such as paper, Starbucks could say, “If you are planning to stay for a while, would you prefer a large cup?”

Some of their scripts are close to the right wording, but the staff haven’t been properly trained to understand how to put it across. Result? Strained relations instead of a developing relationship.

If you have a specific problem in customer care, I’d be happy to offer you my take on it, without fee. Just drop a line to

Saturday, 2 April 2011

A printer's approch to customer service

Last September I came across a printer in LinkedIn and decided to give him a go, assuming him to be OK, as a fellow member of LinkedIn. As you do.

So although I did not yet need new business cards, I asked him to print some new ones for me, and sent his PA the artwork, for printing on front and back. The proofs were OK, and the cards were duly printed, and I paid through PayPal (for two sided printing)
I was still using up the old cards, so it was some time before I got around to opening the boxes and using the new cards, sending out quite a few in mailings.

One day I suddenly realised that the backs were blank.

I wrote on 21st January and 2nd February, but received no reply, and wrote again on 22nd February. On 1st March I received an email saying they would reprint the cards if I would return all the faulty cards.

If you have been following the narrative so far you will know that that was not possible, because (as I told them) I had already sent out quite a few.

At their request I returned all the cards I still had, leaving myself with no business cards at all.
They refused to reprint the cards unless I returned all the 'faulty' ones (their inverted commas).

The Managing Director wrote to say, "We have attempted to speak to you on several occasions to discuss the situation." They did nothing of the sort.

Now, folks, we are talking about a total of £86.25 (including the cost of returning the faulty cards). Not big money, is it?

The correspondence has become increasingly heated, and on 28th March the man again wrote "I have clearly stated that we will replace them when we have received them ALL back from you. You have failed to do this."

He is right when he adds that I had plenty of time to inspect the cards when they were first delivered, but he has not produced the printing for which he was paid, and has placed an impossible condition on rectifying the error.

It's not an experience I would wish to repeat, and I'm sharing it with you in case you should ever place printing with this printer. Because you will have to check it very carefully as I clearly failed to do. I paid, didn't get what I paid for, and don't even have the faulty cards because I was asked to return them.

As an example of customer service, this takes the cake.
